Question #1. If you win this contest, what kind of wings will you request?
Question #2. If I could snap a picture of ANY kind of Faerie, be they centaurs, elves, pixies, stray-sods, red-caps, leprechauns, etc. and post it on here, which ones would you prefer?
Question #3. What kinds of faeries would you like me to write about in the future, and what kind of questions do you have about them?
I think I would take a picture of any faerie! What would really be cool is a picture of a unicorn :)
So...you're saying you want me to hunt down a unicorn? That shouldn't be a problem. There's a small group of them that lives near me. ~wink~
I would definitely take a picture of a pixie!!
I love reading your blog! You are a wonderful writer and photographer... Not to mention you're a stunning model! Your pictures are amazing! Your wings make them incredible. You are so talented!
Love you!
Brae, I like the pixi faeries since that is what comes to mind when I think of faeries. I would love to see you post about the history behind faeries. I love your pictures of your girls they are so darling.
Unicorns and pixies it is!!! Though, I might have to wait until it snows to catch a pixe. They're very small. Summer court pixies leave trails the same way that snails do, and out of the slime comes mushrooms or moss. But the winter court pixies leave trails of ice crystals. They're harder to catch than faeries. And they're meaner.
I'm going to have to get going on that unicorn, though. They're ususally strictly summer court.
But I have to say that if I win I will want the purple butterfly wings they are absolutely gorgeous.
I'd want cool blue ones, to hang in my lonely apartment, then I could think of you even more!
Okay, that sounded creepy and stalkerish, but you knew you had a stalker, right? You know I exist, right?
Why do people do mean things like smash poor faeries in books? I know I'm only human, but that sounds like a pretty bad thing to do.
I second or third the unicorn thing. Hint hint nudge nudge.
Dragons, too. I LOVE dragons. Too bad they don't like me so much. Come to think of it, nothing other-worldly likes me much...
Oh, steph. Didn't you know? I'm stalking you too!! LOL!
Hey! Brandon likes you and HE's a dragon. I like you and I'm a faerie. I guess other worldly things do too like you!
What I think is funny is that my nieces and nephews are elves and leprechauns... who knew they were related to faeries.
question #1- if i won the wings I would pick some cute pixie ones for my daughter, i loved all the ones you have done so far
LOL. Well, Beth, when I get to know you all better, I'm going to have to sniff out the changeling in your family tree. Maybe I get it a little from both sides?
Not sure which ones I'd pick - they're all so beautiful! :)
I'd like to see dragons, too!!
Pixie for sure! They are so gorgeous and mischievous!!
soot sprites. that is all.
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